A plurality (42%) of the U.S. public thinks the administration’s approach has damaged U.S. economic interests without achieving positive change in China, and 21% believe it has hurt U.S. consumers and exporters but protected important U.S. industries. In contrast, 28% believe the administration’s approach has been effective in producing some tactical changes in Chinese economic policy, while only 10% think it has been effective in forcing major long-term changes in Chinese economic policy.

CSIS | Public Q18

By the Numbers

  • 42%

    of the U.S. public thinks the Trump Administration’s approach has damaged U.S. economic interests without achieving positive change in China.

  • 28%

    of the U.S. public believes the Trump Administration’s approach has been effective in producing some tactical changes in Chinese economic policy.

The responses reflect polarization in U.S. politics, with 44% of Republicans answering that the administration’s policies have been effective in producing some tactical changes in Chinese economic policy and 57% of Democrats answering that it has damaged U.S. economic interests without achieving positive change in China.

In contrast, 71% of thought leaders across all sectors of the economy responded that the administration’s tariff policies on China have damaged U.S. interests without producing change in China.